Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Vegetarian Cook Books - How to Choose a Good Vegetarian Cookbook

Are you looking for the first time to cook something vegetarian? In this case I would suggest to look for cookbooks with the "quick vegetarian recipes" in the title. This will help you to get started, and make quick meals, that will not take a lot of time and are simple to make. If starting I would also suggest to see if they have a good introductory about vegetarianism, that helps a lot to get you into the right mindset.

For all others, a good vegetarian cookbook has to have some nice pictures; I want to see how the meal looks like that I am going to make. I also look if by most of the recipes you have ingredients that you can find any were. Not that you have to go to India to get something you need for your recipe. Usually though in every big city you will find everything you need, even to make the most extravagant meal. You might have to look for some specialty stores, like Indian or Chinese shops. If you never have been in one of those stores; take a look, it's amazing what you will find there. The first vegetarian cookbook that I got, was a book with all these credentials. Although it was a cook book made up of Indian recipes, I found every thing in the shops in my neighborhood. At the time I was living in Vienna, Austria, and that was about 20 years ago.

Something else what I find important, well I guess, everybody would find that important, is easy to follow instructions. Seems logical, but there are some books out there were you just wonder how they made it into the bookstores. Sometimes the authors just assume you know how to do certain things; like how to make tofu... By the way, you can make your own tofu, but just to save you some time; just buy it in the store. I like to keep things simple.

So to recap, what does a good vegetarian cookbook (Yes, also a vegan cookbook), have to have?

1. Easy to follow instructions
2. Pictures
3. Easy to find ingredients
4. A good introductory.

That's basically it. If you take these factors into consideration you should not have any problems finding a good vegetarian (or vegan) cookbook.

Chris Hergenroeder has been a vegetarian since 20 years. He is very passionate about everything that has to do with vegetarianism. As Albert Einstein once said; "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." Get two free "starter kits" at this site;

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