Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cooking on the Light Side - By: Dr Thienna Ho, Ph D - Book Review

Everyone wants to look and feel good. "Cooking on the Light Side: Smart Recipes for Bright Skin and Vitality" is a revolutionary cookbook that blends health, nutrition and beauty all in one package. Dr. Thienna Ho writes in a truly modern style, not like The Joy of Cooking that mom used to own. Meet the new and improved cookbook that is in tune with the needs for the contemporary society we are living in. It is a visual feast for all of your senses. The photographs are stunning, the recipes are simple to understand, and the tips are actually very helpful.

Learn from the world's leading expert in nutritional skin care health. Thienna Ho, Ph.D., has created a diet plan with foods high in sulfur to enhance beauty, health, and well-being. I discovered a lot of information regarding sulfur; it is an essential mineral that provides the body with many fundamental building blocks. She writes about all of the benefits including the "detoxifying" effects on the cells within the human body. She further explains in her book that sulfur aids in healthy skin production and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It also has been linked for possible anti-cancer effects. Because of the oxygenation of the cells and tissues, which creates an aerobic environment, cancer cells cannot survive. There are many other benefits regarding sulfur mentioned in this remarkable cookbook and she furthermore provides an extensive list of all sulfur-rich vegetables.

I found Dr. Thienna Ho's recipes to be deliciously scrumptious and satisfyingly nutritious without tasting healthy. There are so many wonderful recipes to choose from. Coconut-Banana Shirataki Porridge, would make a wonderful breakfast, I can't wait to try. Anything with coconut grabs my attention like Coconut Chicken and Bean Soup, or White Bean Coconut Cake. Although coconut isn't the predominate ingredient in her recipes she is diversified in what she chooses for her recipes. There is an extensive list of healthy recipes categorized into breakfasts, salads, soups, sandwiches, dinners, stemmed breads, cakes, pies, and pastries. Dr. Thienna Ho has also included her 30-day diet plan: Experience renewed vigor and amazing skin in just 30 days! In addition, revealed for the first time ever: How Bruce Lee's diet helped him become a martial arts legend. I found the recipe index is quite helpful as are the menu suggestions.

Thienna Ho has carefully chosen the ingredients for flavor, nutrition and ease of preparation, yielding some very appealing entrees. She gives you marvelous tips throughout her book such as to choose less ripe fruit over more ripe, and choose raw or uncooked whenever possible. Make sure to avoid deep dark green leaves. Dr. Thienna Ho recommends steaming as a healthy alternative to cooking and can be a healthy substitute instead of frying, grilling, or broiling a sausage for example.

My commendations go out to Dr. Thienna Ho for creating "Cooking on the Light Side: Smart Recipes for Bright Skin and Vitality" and giving us the alternative to healthier eating, not only by using sulfur-rich foods but also using unprocessed pure ingredients. The recipes are simple and all the ingredients may be purchased at any local grocery store if they aren't already in your pantry. Thank you Dr. Thienna Ho. I'm grateful for your recipe book. Dr. Thienna Ho was able to break four Guinness World Records after 40. She contributes her physical stamina to her diet, which has not only helped her succeed in life, but has made her a healthy more vibrant person. I encourage everyone to read this book and reap the benefits. What a delicious read!

Nicole Sorkin is the Managing Book Review editor for Pacific Book Review:

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America's Secret Recipes Review

America's Secret Recipes is your key to great restaurant food in your own kitchen. This book is filled with hundreds of recipes that you would immediately recognize from several of the top restaurants around the United States. You could create a meal from a different restaurant every night of the week, or mix and match your favorites from different locations to create a custom dining experience using the top recipes.

1. Time Saving Recipes.

The recipes in America's Secret Recipes can help you avoid all of the trial and error of trying to create a restaurant dish that you love. This book outlines the recipes exactly, down to the smallest detail. You can simply open the book and begin to cook your favorite meals. Each recipe title tells you where it was made famous, so there is no guessing about what you should expect.

2. Step by Step Instructions.

America's Secret Recipes is easy enough to use that anyone who can read can make the recipes. The recipes are incredibly detailed, and they have specific instructions on how to put the ingredients together just like the professional chefs do. You will have all of the guidance you need to create these famous dishes in your own kitchen, without the frustration of a vague or sketchy recipe. Each ingredient list is exactly like the ingredient list that the restaurant would use, and you will be able to find all of the ingredients at any local grocery store.

3. The Tastes You Love Without the Price Tag.

When you cook from America's Secret Recipes, you will have complete control of the cost of the meal. You can purchase the ingredients you prefer, and you don't have to pay the overhead at an expensive restaurant. This cookbook makes it possible to eat the restaurant food you love every night of the week, because it will cost so much less to prepare than it does to buy when you are dining out. Your friends and family will recognize their favorite restaurant foods because this guide gives you all of the tools you need to recreate any popular dish.

Is America's Secret Recipes a scam? Visit to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this Secret Restaurant Recipes!

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'Ayurvedic Cooking For Self-Healing' by Usha Lad and Dr Vasant Lad - Book Review

There is a quote, from the scriptures about Ayurveda, in one of the web pages of Dr. Vasant Lad's site. It is given as follows: "Ayurveda is beyond beginning and ending. A science of eternal healing, it is compared to a vast ocean, and studying Ayurveda to swimming across. A true teacher can teach one how to swim, but the swimming is up to the student; is a lifelong journey."

From using it as a heart-warming cookbook, I succeeded to experiment and then appreciate the simple and natural ways of healing some common ailments, such as fever and cold. But as I open myself to the depths of learning that has been designed into this work, the book reveals the microcosmic journey of swimming the seas of Ayurveda. The fundamental principles that make-up a human body, like the five elements, the three bodily humors or doshas, the step-by-step processes of digestion according to Ayurveda, and much more are covered in this book.

This book has been written by Dr.Vasant Lad and his wife, Usha Lad. Vasant Lad, BAMS, MASc, 'is a world-renowned Ayurvedic Physician from India with more than 40 years of Indian medicine clinical experience.' He is also the founder of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The book shows the painstaking work of the authors to present to readers the complex details of food and cooking, uniquely derived from the fundamentals of Ayurveda. Even those readers who have little background in this ancient method, will find it easy to understand because of the simplicity and clarity in the presentation.

Tables are used wherever possible, making it easy to look things up. Sketches drawn by Dr.Lad himself, lend a distinct attraction for readers. It tends to unburden the reader from feeling any kind of heaviness while going through the exhaustive information provided. It would be beneficial to also consider publishing a 'large print' version of the book, which I have not come across as yet.

If you are not a healer, particularly not familiar to the Ancient Indian system of Ayurveda, this book can make an excellent introduction to other life enhancing works of Dr. Lad. Another book of Dr. Lad's called, 'The Complete book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies', covers the same details of the foundational principles of Ayurveda given in this text, 'Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-healing'. But I found this work as a gentler introduction to this ancient system of healing. Both the works are extensively packed with details, but have their own unique focus.

One of the issues in the process of changing one's diet to vegetarian food is said to be, according to a Q&A section with Dr. Weil, getting enough protein. If you are one among those trying to adapt to vegetarian diet, this book can give you the wholesome picture required to keep your health in balance. It provides an ample amount of recipes and an exhaustive list of simple fruits, vegetables and spices. Dr. Weil mentions this as 'varied vegetarian diet' and also as a healthier alternative.

One of the works of Andrew Weil, M.D., that I first read was, 'Spontaneous Healing'. The works of Dr. Weil and Dr. Lad are quite comparable in the distinct field of healing, predominantly through natural means. Years before I was introduced to the works of Dr. Vasant Lad, I was using the works of Andrew Weil, M.D. Dr. Weil's website is a well of resource, and the information that is provided is from his unique expertise in the field of health, healing, food and more.

I also learn that many of us have a longing for connection with the ways of our ancestors to live our lives better. 'Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing' is definitely a book that renders such wisdom. It also contains in it an ambiance that caters to readers from both the Eastern (India) and the Western (U.S.) countries. A copy of this book, which I have, has become antiquated in appearance. It has been kept open several times, on my kitchen counter.

254 pages; The Ayurvedic Press (N.M.); 2nd ed., 1997; $19.50;

About me: I was certified completion in the 'Sacred Contracts' course, by the Caroline Myss Educational (CMED) Institute in 2008. If you think you would like to use 'Sacred Contracts' for your personal growth, please look for information on my archetypal consulting service at

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Are You Sure That's Vegan? Review

Are You Sure That's Vegan? is a vegan cookbook produced by Claire Gosse. I have had an early copy for awhile and have been testing out some of it's recipes. I want to let everyone know I am not Vegan and am very picky. If these desserts taste like cardboard you will hear about it!

The first think you will notice about this book is the high quality images of the desserts. I love this. When you are making desserts for a party or BBQ, you want them to have that WOW factor. When you have such high quality images you can tell which desserts will have people drooling as soon as they seem them.

I guess another thing you have to make sure is the book is completely Vegan. This might seem ridiculous since Vegan is right in the title, but you would be surprised what you find in some of these other "vegan" cookbooks. If they are calling for butter or eggs, then obviously the cookbook is worthless. Every ingredient in here is vegan, so that is a great start.a

Images are great, everything is Vegan and the instructions are simple, clear and easy to follow. What else does a cookbook need? Well there is one thing I think any vegan cookbook review should include: What does the food taste like? Well I tried three recipes:

Peanut Butter Cups - These were super simple to make and tasted amazing. There is no way you would know these were vegan. The use of dark chocolate give these a much better and more mature taste than their store bought counterparts.

Pecan Pie - Another great recipe. I love how easy these are to follow so far. Very clear instructions, especially for a guy who has never made any kind of pie. This was also dynamite tasting - I shared this with many of my friends and they had no idea it was vegan. A couple people don't believe me to this day. This one will soothe any sweet tooth.

Key Lime Cheesecake - This was the big test to me...Vegan cheesecake...impossible! Well my biggest doubt was also my greatest success. I was once again able to follow the instructions and I produced what I am proud to call my best dessert ever. I could not stop eating this - the lime just made it so fresh tasting! it was decadent but the citrus notes added a lightness. People in my family went nuts for this. I still get requests for it.

I think Claire knocked this cookbook out of the park. So many Vegan cookbooks just have a real health food granola feel. Nothing wrong with that of course, but Are You Sure That's Vegan? proves that Vegan doesn't always have to be like that. Vegan desserts can be every bit as decadent, delicious...and naughty as traditional ones. Check it out!

If you are interested in great Vegan Dessert recipes, that are easy to make and quick to impress check this out Best Vegan Desserts. When you get there click on the big cookbook for full details on the best vegan desserts and some free recipe downloads. I hope you like peanut butter cups, cheesecake and fudge!

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"Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook" - Innovative, Healthy, & Delicious Recipes From Plant-Based Ingredients

Joe Stepaniak's "Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook" was among the first cookbooks I bought after deciding to adopt a vegan diet 3 years ago. For those not familiar with the term "uncheese", Stepaniak uses it to describe rich-tasting spreads, dips, sauces and blocks produced with dairy-free whole foods (primarily beans, nuts, or grains).

Cheese lovers be forewarned: you may be in for some disappointment if you're expecting tofu to taste like Feta cheese or chickpeas like Havarti. The book's introduction even acknowledges that "uncheeses are not going to be like dairy cheeses, so please adjust your expectations accordingly. "

Unfortunately I skipped Stepaniak's well-intentioned introduction and plowed in to the recipes, attempting Tofu Ricotta, Chick Cheez, Swizz Cheez, Buffalo Mostarella, Brie, Betta Feta, White Bean Boursin, Monterey Jack and Port Wine uncheeses. And while all were tasty (my favorite is the sharp Chick Cheez spread--made from Garbanzo Beans) they left me somewhat disillusioned and wondering whether I could actually live without real cheese.

As a result of not immediately finding perfect non-dairy replacements for my most beloved cheeses, "The Uncheese Cookbook" sat dormant on my shelf for some time. Little did I realize that I would come back to Stepaniak's book later (many times), finding it had improved with age. Its most valuable lesson is that it introduces unfamiliar ingredients, and uses them as well as more commonplace items--including raw nuts--in groundbreaking fashion.

For example, I had never heard of nutritional yeast, an ingredient employed in many of the book's recipes. Nutritional yeast is a rich source of vitamins and minerals that has a pungent cheesy taste, too. I later learned that Stepaniak is somewhat of an aficionado on the subject of nutritional yeast, having authored "The Nutritional Yeast Cookbook."

Among other new ingredients (and somewhat challenging to obtain) were agar and kuzu (both plant-based thickening agents used in place of gelatin), and umeboshi plum paste, used for adding saltiness. Chickpea flour (a.k.a. Chana Besan) while common in Indian cuisine, is also employed in many uncheese dishes.

The introduction to Uncheese Cookbook provides a detailed and useful reference to all the aforementioned ingredients as well as others. It also contains a well-documented background of how the dairy industry has influenced the evolution of the American diet (echoing T. Scott Campbell's "The China Study"), and provides detailed nutritional data on the benefits of non-dairy sources of calcium, protein, fat, and carbohydrates vs. dairy products.

Moving on to the recipes, I found many of the "Uncheese Dishes" to be superb. Among my favorites are:

Chocolate Almond Cheeze Cake (p170*) with Granola Nut Crust--Everyone who's tasted it are astounded it tastes more delicious than real cheesecake, without using eggs or dairy products (maple syrup is the secret)."Besto Pesto" (which imperceptibly substitutes cheese with miso)--How can a vegan diet be considered sacrifice when you can still enjoy a dish of linguine with Genevose pesto sauce?Chickpea Flour Pizza (p128), eaten alongside vegetable curries--It takes all of about 5 minutes to prepare, so it's very convenient, too!Beannaise (p150)--Used as mayonnaise substitute within other recipes, and also by itself, as a dip for vegetables or salad dressing.

*Note: page numbers refer to the 10th edition of the book.

Other recipes I would recommend include: Parmezano Sprinkles (p50), Eggplant Parmagiano Stew (p80), Spinach-Tofu Manicotti (p117), Zucchini Chedda Soup (p77).

Upon re-perusing "The Uncheese Cookbook", there are still many dishes I plan to sample, including: Classic Quiche (p102), Lemon Teasecake (p169)-the "Key Lime" variation, Quick and Easy Alfredo Sauce (p63), Hot Spinach-Artichoke Dip (p49), and Curried Cauliflower Cheez Soup (p76).

Other features of the book you will appreciate are the charts of nutritional values for each of the recipes, and the listings of food allergens (gluten, soy, nuts, corn). On the other hand, the book contains only 4 pages of photographs, and certainly could benefit from more.

If you already own "The Uncheese Cookbook" but haven't picked it up for a while, I suggest it's worth another look. If you don't, please get a hold of a copy and try its innovative and healthy recipes based on plant-based ingredients. Just remember to put aside your expectations of dairy-cheese taste, and you won't be disappointed!

I am not a nutritionist - just a guy with heaps of useful advice and encouragement to offer those considering eliminating meat and other animal products from their diets. Until age 44, I'm certain my diet consisted of more eggs, milk, and red meat than the average American's. I ate lots of chicken, too (especially liked parts with skin), low-fat yogurt every morning, and loads of cheese.

While a plant-based diet may at first seem a sacrifice, I assure you it is not. Therefore, if you are contemplating it yourself, don't let anyone discourage you. Give it a try and I assure you, you will begin to feel healthy and youthful. Take it from me - paying attention to the foods you eat (and don't eat) is the best way to maintain good health, and a plant-based diet is a great way to begin.

If you are interested in learning about benefits of adopting a plant-based diet, or attaining fitness through healthier diet and exercise habits, please check out my blog at

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Cake Decorating Books For the Beginner

I have always enjoyed watching the cake decorating challenges on TLC, the talent these individuals have is amazing. I realized though that all of these contestants had to be a beginner cake decorator at one time or another. A few years ago I decided I too would like to learn how to decorate cakes, but since I live in a smaller city we did not have any classes nearby. I decided I would try to teach myself how to decorate a cake with the help of cake decorating books.

The key to buying a good cake decorating book if you are just beginning your new hobby is to find the right one. There are so many cake decorating books available that is can become overwhelming. I am going to try and make it a little less overwhelming for you. I have reviewed many cake decorating books, which I will discuss in further detail, and tell you which ones I liked the best, and why.

If you have looked at any cake decorating supplies in your local stores, you have most likely seen the Wilton products. The Wilton company is a large company which is located in Woodridge Illinois. They make all kinds of cake decorating tools and supplies, and they even publish books. My favorite books for learning the basics are the Wilton books, I liked these the most because they are very easy to understand even for the person that has never baked a cake before. The three books I am going to be telling you about are, Course I Discover Cake Decorating, Course II Flowers and Borders, and finally Course III Fondant and Tiered Cakes.

The book, Course I Discover Cake Decorating is an excellent book for the learning the basic techniques that you will need so that you can advance to the more advanced techniques. The course I book starts out by walking you through the steps of baking a cake that will be a good canvas for decorating, including how to make the cake bake flat, rather than having that round mound on the top. It also talks about what types of frosting to use for the different decorating aspects. This is a great book for anyone that wants to learn the basics.

The second book Course II Flowers and Borders, builds on the skills you learned from the Course I book. It focuses on the different types of flowers and borders you can make and what types of tools you will need to make these different flowers and borders. Like everything practice will be necessary, but you first need to know the techniques of making these decorations.

The third book Course III talks about using fondant and making tiered cakes, which are multi-level cakes, much like the cakes you have probably seen at weddings. This was my favorite book of the series, mainly because you can make some really smooth cakes by using fondant.

If you are someone that wants to learn the basics, but don't know where to start, I would highly recommend the Wilton cake decorating books, you will get a lot of helpful information but won't have to spend much money on them. I was even able to create a cake for my sister's wedding, by using the information I learned in these books.


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Cookbook and Food Magazine Addictions

Hi my name is Christine and I'm a cookbook-food magazine junkie. Can't collect enough, can't stop by any checkout stand or book store food section without picking one up, thumbing through it, reading the side-bars, looking at the photos, wondering when my next fix will kick in. I have a constant longing, craving and yearning for the next one with pretty pictures, will it ever end? I have a collection of about 200 books; food, wine, dessert, entertaining, beverage there are so many that they now serve as decorative adornments (dust collectors) throughout my home. And the magazines, I have finally succumbed to tearing out the photos or recipes I truly want and put them in my working binder and recycle the rest of the magazine to my hair salon (how Green of me! Not really I just cannot bring myself to throw away a $5 magazine that I bought for just one recipe!).

I'll admit in the beginning when the book was new I read it from cover to cover savoring every word, every photo and actually made some of the food porn that appealed to me the most. Speak to me in pictures don't give me a cookbook without photos because it will never work between us. I need to see the food; desire it, lust after it, make the recipe and then move on. It just gets old after going through it a few times, same old recipes, same old pictures, same old outcome. OK this is beginning to sound like an article for the Dating Examiner I digress; the hard cover book with the glossy photo for every recipe is the type of book that gets me. Gets me every single time. Think of it as the bad-boy, type-A personality book. The one you can't stay away from but the one you can't stay with either. It's the type of book that makes your knees buckle with its cosmetic beauty, makes you giggle with delight over its expansive and informative recipes with photos that take your breath away leaving you hungry for more.

OK this is a disease, the more you have the more you want, and for what? Let's do the math, 200 books x say (conservatively) 100 recipes in each book = 20,000 recipes. 20,000!!!!!! Holy Mackerel! (I hate math, it's so in your face). No I have never made, attempted to make or come close to making 20,000 recipes. That's insane, 20,000 recipes! I know it, I read it, I just wrote it, it's in black and white, and yet, the next pretty cover that catches my eye, I just may flirt with it but that's where it begins and ends. No first date, no innocent glass of wine to peruse with. Well maybe a cup of mocha-java-yahoo with lots of whipped cream in the coffee shop just to sit with the book for a bit...

My list of personal favorite cookbooks, entertaining books and beverage books run the gamut for a host of reasons. My all time favorite and personal best is The Junior League of Boca Raton's Savor the Moment, Entertaining without Reservations. Being a member of the Junior League of Boca Raton I worked on the committee that published this James Beard Award winning book; it's still so personal to this day after all these years later. I was a recipe developer, test cook, recipe sampler, photo design layout person, set-up/clean-up person but then again so were the 200 other extraordinary women who volunteered their time and expertise to what has become a legacy in Boca Raton as a magnificent work of art and brilliance. I sound jaded and biased, a little, but the truth is every recipe was tested 3-5 times and the photo shoots agonized over for hours. Labor of love? Yes. A collectible book everyone should have? Yes, because it is a great entertaining book.

The Williams-Sonoma books, any and all. They are professionally tried, tested and true. You cannot go wrong with any of their books and they have pictures for every recipe!

Just starting out? Betty Crocker. She's the one. Begin with Betty. The book is still the best introduction on basic and instructional culinary knowledge. Betty's got so many versions but whatever the latest is that's the one to give as a bridal shower gift, engagement gift or new apartment gift.

The Coastal Living Cookbook. For two reasons one because I am published in this book! And two if you're a seafood aficionado, live, work or play near the coast then you will appreciate this book and all it has to offer. The recipes are tested and true, the photos make you want to buy a home on the water and entertain and cook for everyone you know. It's a lifestyle, feel good type of book making you wish summer was a year-round season.

At Home with Carolyne Roehm. Just get this book for the pictures, you will learn so much about entertaining, setting tables, flower arranging and decorating just by looking.

Effortless Elegance with Colin Cowie. Exacting, Enchanting, Effortless. The recipes are delightful and delicious. The party tips and strategies, invaluable. My book is worn, tabbed, highlighted and used over and over again.

The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook. Gorgeous pictures with each recipe. Recipes are doable no matter your level of expertise or lack thereof. The recipes are timeless and delicious over and over appealing to myriad of food lovers and critics alike.

The Silver Palate Cookbook. The one and only exception to my rule of cookbooks must have photos or I kick you to the curb! This is gourmet. This is WOW! This is edgy. This is the most dynamic recipe book you will ever lay your hands on. Now with that said, this book is not for the faint of heart whimsical cook or spice lacking pantry. Pretty much you need to know your way around the kitchen, culinary terms and procedures if not, think going from the 1st grade to 9th and skipping everything in between, you won't know what hit you. If you're ready, the 25th Anniversary edition is on store shelves now.

101 Sangrias & Pitcher Drinks. Unless you have what rivals the W Hotel bar in your home you will need some outlet of escape to serve cocktails to your guests and this book has got it all; sweet, sour, fruity, minty, creamy, you get the point, now get the book.

Wine Wise. Brilliant, witty and comprehensive. Want to know more about wine? This is the book that will take you on travels to countries and trails of vineyards that you couldn't even imagine existed.

That's 10 listed books. Didn't I say I had 200? I hate math, it's so in your face.

Christine is a lifestyle entertaining specialist and freelance writer focusing on food, wine and events in South Florida, from Palm Beach to South Beach. As the creator and editor of the South Florida Food and Wine blog Christine's focus is to write and compile up-to-date information on all things food, wine and events in South Florida. To contact Christine visit South Florida Food and Wine at:

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Food Lover's Guide to Portland - By Liz Crain

When exploring the many unique restaurants of the Portland area, you'll soon discover the exemplary use locally grown foods and beverage in Portland provides a completely unique culture. In the book A Food Lover's Guide to Portland, written by Liz Crain, was released in July 2010. While the book does delve into many of the unique establishments in the totally self-sustained restaurant ecosystem of Portland, it misses the mark of the target audience.

This book, which consists of 256 pages of restaurants in a highly local town. Through a lengthy series of essays, she explores the numerous advantages and lifestyles of those providing the support for this completely unique culture, reviewing the various restaurants that make this town special, and how everything comes together to form one of the best food towns in the United States.

Unfortunately, this is where the good points of the book end. For a unique food culture, like Portland, many of the local favorites have been excluded, opting for more of a tourist focus. This can be viewed as both a blessing and a curse. While smaller eateries have been skipped over for more tourist friendly restaurants, this can help to keep these hidden treasures buried, but also take away needed business to help the community grow and prosper. Some locals may love it, but others would prefer to attend the places they already know and love.

A Food Lover's Guide to Portland could provide a lot more than it did, but it is still currently available in paperback and electronic editions for those who would like what I could best describe as the basic of the Portland restaurant community.

For pure evidence of the extremely local community and culture of the eateries in this town, you can see it in the culinary schools in Portland, the local breweries and wineries, and even in the bistros, bars, and farms of this food town. Still, leave the book at home and just ask a local which restaurant is the best place for what you'd like to eat.

Stan Hundemer is an avid foodie who enjoys many of the unique culinary cultures of the United States.

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"The New Best Recipe" Review - Cook's Illustrated Cookbook Review

From the people who bring you America's Test Kitchen, "The New Best Recipe" is a monolithic book with just about every American recipe imaginable. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you had brined your pork before breading and frying it? Or if you had used panko instead of Italian bread crumbs? Well, the people at Cook's Illustrated help to answer those questions by giving you a detailed account of about a dozen or more different techniques they experimented with for just ONE recipe. Admittedly this compulsively formulaic method sometimes results in strange and overly elaborate directions, but it is informative all the same and it's an excellent go-to book if you're ever stuck wondering exactly how to get something just right.

This is the perfect resource for beginners as well because the explanations of how to use the recipes are detailed and the side information detailing equipment and techniques to use is plentiful. And because you are practically guaranteed to create a delicious dish regardless of your level of experience, it is a very encouraging book to cook from.

For experienced cooks, it's an extremely interesting read that will never fail to teach you something new. Beyond the recipes themselves, you'll learn exactly why each choice is made at every step of the process. You'll also be exposed to a great deal of history behind the dishes and how different techniques came to be. The greatest joy might just be sifting through all the recipes and finding the one that blows your own classic recipe out of the water!

To see the new Top 5 Essential Cookbooks Reviews list, follow me to Globetrotter Diaries.

Globetrotter Diaries is a cooking food blog that explores the culinary cultures around the world by cooking a local dish each week and providing tips and techniques to help you in the kitchen. We hope you'll join us on our adventures!

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

5 Bestsellers In Fine Wine And Cooking

Lisa Lillien writes Hungry Girl 300 Under 300: 300 Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Dishes Under 300 Calories, intended to keep you healthy but also savoring some tasty dishes. Including some recipes for all the major meals, as well as some great tips for starters and sides, you can find a recipe that will be suitable to your taste buds fast. You can find some recipes like PB and J Oatmeal, Creamy Crab Cakes Benedict, Classic Cheese steak Salad, Dreamy Butternut Chicken Foil Pack, Burger-ific Mushroom Melt, some Big Apple Butternut Squash Soup, as well as some bacon wrapped hot dogs that will have your mouth watering in no time. Stay fit and healthy with these recipes, as they are not only easy on the taste buds but also easy on the diet, too, as they are all under 300 calories.

Gabrielle Hamilton write Blood, Bones and Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef. This story of a chef tells the story of a budding chef who always dreamed of cooking but worked at a catering company without any flavor, was often starving, cooked at a summer camp, and was often fed by strangers, till she learned the importance of fear and hunger and the importance of sharing food with others. A chef and owner now of her own restaurant, as well as a trained writer, this story tells of the rise of a chef from harsh circumstances and her unique perspective on the importance of sharing food and recipes to others.

Neal Barnard writes 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart, a book written by a doctor meant to help with lifestyle choices, and helps teach about the benefits of a vegan diet, and the ways in which fatty animal based products can be replaced with things like vegetables and legumes and other things that can sustain a person and give them a properly balanced diet, as well. Also, the author insists upon strategies for quick results and allows you to have quick weight loss without depriving yourself.

The Editors at America's Test Kitchen present Slow Cooker Revolution, a book that contains 200 recipes, that allow you to throw things into the slow cooker and then intensify the flavor of it by adding different ingredients, such as various spices and garlic. The book even hones in on details, such as microwaving various spices to really get the most out of the flavor and gives little tips that really improve a meal by enhancing the flavors of the dish and making things even richer and better than ever.

Gary Taubes writes Why We Get Fat and What to Do About it, a book about staying fit and questioning the reasons and factors that have led to American obesity. He also examines how various diets have failed to reduce this high level and proposes some solutions that are meant to help people lose weight, stay fit, try to lower their cholesterol and do so in a way that will keep people healthy and fit for a long time. That way, you can stay fit and stay healthy with a great book of tips.

Roberto Sedycias works as an IT consultant for PoloMercantil

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Cake Decorating Books - What to Look For When Choosing a Cake Decorating Book

If you want to learn more about cake decorating, to impress at family gatherings, or maybe think about starting a business of your own, cake decorating books can be a good way to learn. You want a book that you will return to over and over again, as you improve your skills.

The best books for you will be clearly written, with plenty of easy-to-follow instructions and decorations. Not everyone will agree about the clearest and best way to learn about is from a book, so pick the one that makes the best sense to you. If you are new to cake making, you will want books that focus on the basic skills of cake decorating. If you have a specific goal or theme in mind, like learning to decorate a wedding cake, or a birthday cake your cartoon-obsessed nephew will adore, you will want to make sure to choose books geared towards those topics.

Don't be swayed by a celebrity author of a decorating book. If you scour the bookstore for books featuring Martha or Rachel Ray, you might miss out on some great books. While Duff Goldman of Ace of Cakes has become famous, thanks to the Food Network show, the book that includes his decorating tips might not be the right one for you. Maybe the designs aren't the ones you want to learn. And if you get enticed by the marketing of a big name, or a tie-in to a famous bakery, you'll miss out on cake design books that focus where you can develop the best skills. And if you focus on celebrities you know from the Food Network or the media, you'll miss out on cake decorating books by people who are celebrities in the cake decorating world, like renowned British sugarcrafting artist Maisie Parrish, whose cake decorating books showcase whimsical, original designs, with decently easy instructions.

The Cake Decorator's Motif Bible: 150 Fabulous Fondant Designs with Easy-to-Follow Charts and Photographs, by Sheila Lampkin (Firefly Books, 2007) is full of photographs, teaches basic skills, and is spiral bound, so it would be one of the better books for someone who wanted to master the basic skills. A spiral binding makes it easier to have the book open on your counter as you learn and practice new decorating techniques. Cakes for Kids: 35 Colorful Recipes With Easy to Follow Tips and Techniques, by Matthew Mead, (Chronicle Books 2008) focuses on designs that will appeal to young children, without cartoon media tie-ins.

When you're picking from among the vast array of cake design books, you want to make sure that the cakes you create will be as delicious as they are beautifully decorated. The Whimsical Bakehouse: Fun-to-Make Cakes that Taste As Good as They Look, written by the mother-daughter team of Kaye and Liv Hanson, focuses on keeping the ingredients of their brightly colored cakes simple and tasty, so it's a great place to learn the delicious basics of getting creative with cake decorating staples like butter cream.

Get a lot more information and a complete guide to cake design and decoration by visiting our cake design and decoration site at you can find cake design and decoration tips and start producing professional. cake design and decorations

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Allergy-Friendly Cookbook (No Eggs - No Dairy - No Gluten - No Nuts) A Review

When the author Alice Sherwood received her 2 year old sons diagnosis of nut and egg allergies she ended up putting together a collection of her own recipes due to her frustration with what was on offer in the market. Some allergy cookbooks try to cater for all allergens in each recipe - this can end up leaving the recipes bland and boring. What Alice has done with her recipes in this book is to provide a basic recipe with one or two of the 'Big Four', eggs, dairy, gluten or nuts omitted and then provide variations for each recipe so you can exclude or add ingredients depending on the particular allergens you need to avoid.

The book has a great introduction which explains why she wrote the cookery book, she loves good food and found that a lot of people she knew were having trouble finding useful recipes that would enable whole families to eat the same tasty meals together when one or more were allergic or intolerant to different foods. She then goes on to explain the differences between food allergies and food intolerance, with a good description of symptoms and a quick reference chart for anaphylaxis. The book then has a section for each of dairy, egg, nuts and gluten explaining about each and how to compensate in your diet for the missing nutrients. Alice then continues with chapters about, staying positive, allergy etiquette, helping your allergic child, eating out, special occasions, travelling, worldwide cuisine, shopping, what not to eat and your pantry.

Just before you get into the recipes - there is a handy quick reference chart about how to substitute ingredients with suggested alternatives and associated notes and tips. There are over 100 recipes divided into: breakfasts, side dishes, starters & light meals, fish, meat and poultry, pasta, noodles & rice, desserts, breads and baking, sauces, dressings and accompaniments.

My personal favourite is her recipe for carrot cake - the best I have found! This recipe book has been one of my best buys as our son was initially diagnosed with egg and peanut allergies, but has since been found to also be gluten and dairy intolerant - thus we have to avoid all of the major four allergens! Our second son is also allergic to eggs and I am gluten and dairy intolerant. Our whole family has benefited from eating a diet that is free from gluten, dairy, eggs and peanuts and this book is an essential for our kitchen bookshelf.

Please come and visit our website 'Sensitive To Food' where you will find more information about various food allergies and links to many more of the resources that we have found in the past 5 years of dealing with food allergies in our family.

What now?

Please feel free to browse my website where you will find symptom lists, information on specific foods, advice on identifying and dealing with allergies and/or intolerances, links to resources, diet links with autism spectrum disorders, book reviews, products, recipes, support and advice.

Who am I? I am a mum of a child with allergies to egg and peanuts, intolerances to gluten, dairy and some fruits. Artificial food colours, preservatives and additives are also problematic. He also suffers with asthma, eczema and hayfever and has a diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome.

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Clueless in the Kitchen: A Cookbook for Teens by Evelyn Raab and George A Walker

Know any teenagers who don't know how to cook, but should or want to learn? A little clueless in the kitchen yourself and you are over the age of 20? If you answered yes to either of the above questions, then I have a book for you.

Clueless in the Kitchen is a book I have known about since I was a teenager and I am well past my teen years, but I still use this book as a reference and for some tried and true recipes. This is a good book to start with for beginner cooks who don't know how to do things as simple as how to boil water because it gives basic knowledge, simple recipes and even includes menu ideas for the recipes it has shown you how to make. What is especially helpful is that the book is broken up into sections such as breakfast, baking, desserts, soups,etc. This is especially good for someone who wants to impress by planning a whole meal from start finish including an appetizer, main course and dessert. In the very beginning of the book after the chapter guides, you will find a guide to the kitchen that explains how to do things such as defrosting the freezer, clean the stove, how to properly use the dishwasher and other common things that you might not know how to do because you have never personally done yourself. In the back of the book there is also a metric conversion table to help those of us who have some difficulties converting teaspoons and cups to millimeters and liters. Right before the conversion table, there is a terminology guide as well to explain some of the terms that might not make sense and you have never heard of before.

I have tried many different recipes in this book and continue to do so, but over the years I have come love a few specific recipes and use them over and over. I am not that good at savory items, but I have yet to have a problem making the X-ray Vision soup or the Potato soup. Both items are simple to make and absolutely delicious, especially the X-Ray vision soup because it's a lighter(it's not creamy) and is full of carrots which are said to help with the health of your eyes. The Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake is another one of my favorites because it's quick and easy and it's not heavy and dense like most coffee cakes are.

Overall, I would say great book for everyone no matter what your age and skill level because there is something for everyone in this book.

Vanessa Ghilarducci invites you to check out her blog, Love to Bake at and become a follower. For more tips, suggestions and recipes visit

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Cookbooks - Tips For Finding the Best Cookbooks

Cooking can be a hobby, an art and even a very reliable business. The best chefs basically combine all of the above. Despite of this, everyone has to start somewhere. You can start using cookbooks and simple recipes which can provide step-by-step instructions for coming up with a very delicious meal.

For those who get tired and frustrated by being picked on because of their cooking, you can basically go on your nearest bookstore and choose the best cookbook. If you aspire to be a great cook, worry no more because you can achieve your dreams with the help of cookbooks. Who would not want to cook a meal and get praised for it.

If you are just starting in the culinary area, whether you just like cooking or love it so much that you want to begin a career out of it, you basically have to start somewhere. Starting out somewhere can definitely be through finding the recipes of the best professional chefs. You can basically start out on family cookbooks because they teach basic cooking. You can easily learn about cooking methods, cutting and measurements.

You can find many cookbooks on different bookstores all over the country but you need tips when it comes to finding the best ones. There are so many cookbooks that focus on different specialties. If you want to find the best healthy cookbook, then you must read on to get tips in finding one. It is basically a cookbook that contains healthy recipes and provide information with regards to cooking healthy meals.

People mean varying things when they talk about healthy meals. There are those who consider anything that is healthy as long as it's cooked at home. There are some who follow much stricter dietary guidelines. While some people are vegans, or desire less meat on their diet, there are also those who look for organic foods. Basically, there are so many different kinds of diets which in turn goes with specific cookbooks. They provide ample information for each particular diet. Usually, each cookbook promotes a healthy output.

You must take note though that healthy cookbooks are not created equally. There are some cookbooks which claim to be healthy despite using processed ingredients. These ingredients contain high calories and much sodium or sugar. The point is that there are those which do not really support a healthy diet despite claiming that they are.

Nowadays, experts have leaned towards a healthier diet that relies on low sugar, high quality protein and avoids processed ingredients. If you really want to find the best healthy cookbook and same with other cookbooks, you should take note of the following points:

- Reaches Where You Stand Now
- The cookbook should be able to help you relate whether you are a beginner or not. It must be able to assist you easily, especially if you are just a starter in cooking.
- Easy to Understand
- A great cookbook is something that can be read with ease and comfort. You don't need to consult a dictionary or go online just to clarify something in the cookbook.
- Solid Information

If you are looking for a healthy cookbook, it is a great one if that cookbook provides information regarding what are the foods that are good and the foods that are not advisable to eat. It is a good one when there is enough solid information, which could widen up your horizon when it comes to healthy foods.

Basically, when you want help in finding the best cookbooks, it is best that you go online and read reviews. With the help of internet, you can find many information regarding the best cookbooks that should be on your list. You can also join forums on cooking. You can find many online tips from these forums as well. Maximize the potential of the internet because this is one information hub that can raise your overall awareness and knowledge about cooking.

When you have found and started mastering the basics, you can then further your own cooking skills by looking for more reliable cookbooks. The best tip in finding the best cookbooks is that you must go for the ones that provide recipes from famous restaurants. They do not only provide great recipes but they are also tried and tested ones that people have really liked through the years. You can also get several professional tips with regards to food pairing, making desserts and drinks, plating your dishes, etc.

As you move forward, you can easily practice and as time goes by, you can eventually make your very own recipes. Take it one step at a time. All you have to do is start by finding the best cookbook that you can ever find. Follow all of the tips mentioned above and you'll be a great cook in no time.

JR Gautreaux

1# Source For Best Cook Books


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Be Charmed by Charm City Cakes in the Ace of Cakes

Fans of the television show Ace of Cakes rejoice! The book you dreamed of is baked to perfection and ready to serve. However, if you are not a fan, or have never seen the show, you are still in for a delicious treat. Meet Chef Duff Goldman and his staff that make up the group that is like a family and works at Charm City Cakes, as well as all being part of the crew that gets things cooking on the Ace of Cakes show. They now come together in this wonderful book that is prepared more as a work of art/novel, than a cookbook--just like the show is more documentary that reality type television.

What you get in the book is information about each of the talented people that are on the show that make up the always creative, often times wacky, group of cake artists. Duff along with younger brother Jeff have put together a book that may look like it belongs in the kitchen but will more than likely wind up on a coffee table somewhere to be read and shared quite often.

The same love of what they do on the show is evident in the book. Filled with full-color photographs, you get to meet each member of the show as they are all such a gifted crew, each with a specific talent that has translated into the cake decorating business. Each person has a section of their own on what their own experience is like at Charm City Cakes and on the show. They tell how they came to be in the cake design business. Hundreds of photographs cover the bakery and cakes as well as some of their interesting customers. The photographs are smaller than you might expect but I am pretty sure it is because they had so much they wanted to share. It is more than just pictures that make this book so unique. The story of Charm City Cakes and the people who make up the business and the show are the real stars here. Yes, this is a book you will drool over but you will also read with interest and delight, especially if you are already a fan of the show. If you aren't, it is my guess you soon will be.

Along with each Charm City Cakes staff member writing about themselves, they also each created a special cake for this book. The baking and decorating tips are as amazing and the humor irreverent so you get the true feel of the artistic, creative, and laid back mood of the show and its boss. This is a book you will go back to many times to read and to look at. I found it a great deal of fun, filled with lots of interesting stories about the creative staff, and the most amazingly decorated cakes one would ever find anywhere. If you aren't enchanted by this Charm City Cake group and its head honcho, Chef Duff, then obviously it is not your cup of tea, or let's say, your slice of cake. But most likely you will delight in the cakes, the stories, and the pictures....there is something for everyone in this--yum!

Karen D. Haney, Author/Developer of BOOKIN' WITH BINGO ( ), reviews books and interviews authors for her book blog. Reading and writing are her passion.

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Garden County Pie - Sweet and Savory Delights From the Table of John Michael Lerma

Take one collection of pie recipes, sprinkle in some quotes and trivia, add generous portions of the author's passion for pies and you have the right mix of ingredients for Garden County Pie.

In the tradition of John Michael Lerma's previous cookbook Garden County, this book reads like a cross between a personal note to the reader and a journal of the fond memories that inspired many of the recipes. Explanations on the different qualities of the various forms of fat to tips on making things simple, will inspire bakers at all levels to bask in the pleasure of the aromas and creations coming from their own ovens.

Every recipe pairs the appropriate crust with each pie to eliminate nearly all of the guesswork needed to begin. However, deciding which pie to try first from the mouth-watering array of fruit, berry, cream, custard, chocolate, citrus, savory, holiday and nut recipes will likely present a pleasant challenge.

John Michael Lerma reveals the secrets to his award-winning recipes that have garnered him distinction from local festivals and fairs to the Food Network and the APC Crisco National Pie Championships. About his signature Vidalia Onion Pie he says: "My readers and 'foodies' have cherished the appealing flavors and luscious taste of this pie, both for dessert and as an entree."

Of particular delight in this book are the fascinating pie fun facts and trivia. It might not come as much of a surprise to learn that one out of four Americans prefer apple pie, but how many people know that the plane Buddy Holly died in was named the "American Pie?"

Offering so much more than typical "how to" cookbooks, Garden County Pie will have everyone from the novice to the experienced relating back to the origins of the expression "easy as pie!"

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"French Cooking in Ten Minutes" (by Edouard De Pomiane) Is a Charming Little Cookbook

French cooking in ten minutes? Yes, it can be done! Our modern life moves fast. Yet in 1930, Edouard de Pomiane - scientist, doctor, cooking show host, food author - wrote a little French cookbook called "French Cooking in Ten Minutes" because life was so hectic back then. (Oh, how we grow nostalgic for what we think of as the "quieter, simpler" past!)

Just finding time to eat, let alone preparing a meal, is sometimes a challenge. So here we are in a busy world eating fast food, take-out food or a quick microwave meal when what we really want is a good old fashioned home cooked meal made with fresh ingredients. Cooking quick and delicious home cooked meals can be done with a little planning, and Dr. de Pomiane shows us how. He writes for those who have only an hour for lunch or dinner, giving them the chance to eat a delicious meal and still have time to enjoy a good cup of coffee and a nice chat.

Edouard de Pomiane was born in 1875 and raised in Paris. He was a medical doctor whose specialty was gastroenterology - digestion and stomach juices. This led him to an interest in preparing food. So his writing occasionally includes bits about how and why food is cooked the way it is.

The best part of this gem of a French cook book, though, is that we are taken by the hand and shown how to prepare the basics. Dr. de Pomiane explains how to make a simple white sauce, then takes us further to transform it into a Bearnaise sauce or a Mornay sauce. He gives us the confidence to cook! And he does so with clear, simple instructions infused with a light humor.

How would you like to be able to put together the following meals in ten minutes or less?

- Noodles Czechoslovakian style, rib steak with onions, cucumbers with sour cream, cheese, fruit
- Smoked sausage and olives, loin lamb chops, sauteed potatoes, green salad, cheese, fruit
- Mussels with saffron, buttered spinach, tomato salad, omelet flambe, fruit
- Creme of mushroom soup, frankfurter sausages, potato salad, cheese, coeur a la creme

Many of his foods begin with pre-cooked meat and canned food. After all, you can't roast a chicken in ten minutes. But you can bring home a rotisserie chicken from the deli and use it to prepare a delicious lunch or dinner using a recipe from "French Cooking in Ten Minutes." Even if you never make any of these recipes, you will enjoy reading this book for its sensible ideas and friendly style.

I must admit there are a few ingredients in "French Cooking in Ten Minutes" that seem odd today, such as Larks and Hare Steak, but you can substitute more commonly available items for the recipes. The ingredients may vary but the premise is unchanged - creating delicious and quick French food.

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Book Review of Semi Home Made Cooking

Sandraorite Lee has taught the domestically challenged how to cook by coordinating her television show with her cookbooks. She not only makes cooking easy, but shows how to entertain dinner guests by using themed table settings. Her recipes are fail proof. Anyone can learn to cook with Sandra Lee.

There are about twenty cookbooks in the Semi Home Made collections. Many of the recipes have been demonstrated on her show. Sandra's method is using seventy percent store bought products with thirty percent fresh products.

Each book begins with photographs and descriptions of tools and spices you will need on hand and how to use them. I have actually learned from this. Each recipe is coordinated with other dishes to complete the meal. The end of the book gives table setting tips for entertaining.

There are a few basic tips I have learned that have helped. One is to add extracts to cake mixes for an enhanced flavor. Another trick for cake mixes is to use applesauce in place of oil for moisture. When water is called for in use fruit juice or broth instead for flavor.

Once you've learned some of these tricks, you get creative and think of your own shortcuts. I recycled pineapple cans by cooking pineapple upside down cake in them. I collected twelve and made individual cakes. It worked out perfectly.

Sandra actually tried cooking school that the gourmet recipes were not used by the every day person on a budget, with time spread thin, She wrote down the ways she survived when growing up and throwing whatever was in the pantry.

My favorite recipe, is stuffed peepers cooked in the crock pot with a Mexican twist. They are peppers with a kick! You literally dump everything from the can to the bow and mix it with hamburger and rice. A few hours later they've cooked themselves and you just eat. Her serving tip is to use a bundt cake pan for transporting and serving because they will keep their shape and not fall over.

There are even international food themes that are fun.

If you admit to being like me and not being a domestic goddess, this book is for you. After trying a few of Sandran's recipes, you will be able to contribute to any potluck like a pro. Never again will you bring bagged salad or chips. You will become the life of the party.

Author, Laura Schroeder, has experienced life change first hand. To join an online community of care, visit her website at There, you will see the blog, hear podcast stories and see offered available products. To contact Laura, email at

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American Test Kitchen Recipes - The America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook Every Home Should Have

My favorite family cookbook is home to American Test Kitchen recipes that are easy to follow and always produces an awesome tasting family meal at home. This article gives you a quick look at why this cookbook belongs in your home kitchen, and it will also help you find more information on the book and its authors.

Good old-fashioned "home cooking" is a hot and growing trend. From the brand new home chef, to the experienced head chef, every home kitchen needs a great cookbook! Your first and primary cookbook should not only be full of great recipes, but it should also provide you an education on food and cooking techniques.

The ONE cookbook every family and home should have

One of the best-selling cookbooks that every home should have is The America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook, by America's Test Kitchen. America's Test Kitchen is a company dedicated to researching, testing and publishing great recipes "that work". They produce a popular TV cooking show called "America's Test Kitchen", they publish several industry-leading magazines such as Cook's Illustrated and Cook's Country, and last but not least they publish several best-selling cookbooks.

What separates this family cookbook from the others?

America's Test Kitchen is known for their exhaustive, well-structured testing approach. They take well-known recipes, apply different best practices and techniques throughout their testing, and ultimately come up with the one best recipe. It's common for them to test a recipe 30-50 times in order for their expert staff of chefs and tasters to determine one winning recipe.

Another great thing they do is share their key testing experience with you. They walk you through important points of their testing to help explain why they chose certain ingredients and applied certain techniques to come up with their best recipe. They strike a perfect balance between taste, quality, time, available ingredients to every home and simplicity. All of the American Test Kitchen recipes often take the easier techniques, as long as the end result produces a great tasting high-quality dish.

In addition to providing hundreds of recipes, this family cookbook also has little articles peppered throughout the book that provide helpful information, such as equipment testing, recommendations, cooking techniques and education on food and science. All of this together not only helps you cook great meals from the start, but it also helps you become a better cook over time.

Click here for the best selling cookbooks that every home should have in its kitchen.

We'll also show you where to find some FREE sample Test Kitchen Recipes from the book.

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Cake Books - Recipes and Ideas For Wedding Cakes

Are you a cake decorator looking for inspiration? Do you want to know how to make your own wedding cake? Are you a bride who would like to check out the latest trends and get new ideas that will wow your guests? How about a baker searching for great cake recipes and techniques?

My advice to you is to start with the old standby Wilton books which are are a great resource. The basics are covered on how to make a wedding cake and what cake decorating supplies you will need to make them with. Plus there are lots of photos of wedding cakes and all occasion cakes to look at for ideas.

An all time favorite cake book for inspiration is a book called Cakewalk by Margaret Braun. Her cake ideas are unconventional and artistic. Her book is so beautiful that you can use it as a coffee table book. A book that should be in every bakers library is The Bakers Manual by the late Joseph Amendola who was a beloved teacher at the Culinary Institute of America since the 1950's. I have an old beat up copy of the manual from the 70's and refer to it often. There is a new updated version on the market now, maybe It's time I get one. The book is written for the student as well as professionals.

Three of the best books for recipes and ideas for wedding cakes in my opinion are The Cake Bible by Rose Levy Berenbaum, A Piece of Cake by Susan Purdy and The Simple Art Of Perfect Baking by Flo Braker. Each book has fantastic recipes and ideas for cakes. From how to bake the cakes, construction and boxing them for delivery and mailing as well.

Now if you are a complete foodie or know someone that is then Larouusse Gastronomique is the perfect gift to give yourself or someone else. It will answer every question you have ever had about anything cooking or baking related, including historical facts. The world's Greatest Cookery Encyclopedia is chock full of information and so heavy you could use it as a form of weight training every time you go to pick it up.
The best recipes for wedding cakes are cakes that are firm yet moist. If you wanted to use a less firm cake I do have tips for you.Always work with a very cold or frozen cake when putting a tiered cake togetherUse a filling that will firm up when cooled such as a buttercream or a mousse that contains butter.Avoid creamy and slippery wet fillings or frostings or you may end up with a cake wreck on your hands.

If you would like to learn more about cake books, recipes and get cake decorating ideas then visit my wedding cake website. You will find complete reviews of all of the cake books in my collection and can leave a review of your own there as well and check out what other people are saying about their favorite baking books.

Lorelie Carvey's website, shares her expertise with aspiring cake decorators how to make a wedding cake. Bridesmaids and brides get free resources to help plan your unique wedding and shower celebration. Lorelie invites you to submit your baking book reviews and wedding cake book reviews. Go to

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5 Books To Keep You Healthy With Vegetable Cooking

Neal Barnard and Robyn Webb team up to write The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook: 125 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Jump-Start Weight Loss and Help You Feel Great. The book with the length title offers many suggestions and great recipes that are intended for people who wish to lose some weight, lower their cholesterol levels, or reverse the symptoms of their type 2 diabetes. The book includes some useful scientific data that outlines the importance of having this low fat diet, and then offers many healthy, and easy to make recipes to have delicious meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No matter what kind of plate you seek, this book will have the recipes that allow for you to make great meals with only vegetables, containing important information about calories, saturated fat, as well as vitamins and minerals.

John La Puma and Rebecca Powell Marx write ChefMD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine: A Food Lover's Road Map to Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Getting Really Healthy. In this book, there is plenty of medical experience, from an actual doctor's point of view, so there is plenty of science to back up the claims of the importance of eating well, but there is also great cooking suggestions that will allow you to make wonderful food that not only tastes great but also keeps you young and fit, as well. He is like doctor merged with chef so you will not only be taking care of yourself but you will be eating well, too.

Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Matthew Ruscigno write Appetite for Reduction: 125 Fast and Filling Low-Fat Vegan Recipes, a book that offers 125 recipes for a low-fat diet. You will be able to make a number of healthy dishes like Tamarind BBQ and Sweet Potatoes, Chipotle Lentil Burgers, and Onion Rings that are Oven Baked for extra healthy aspects and no fatty, greasy additives.

Daniel G. Amen brings you Change Your Brain, Change your Body Cookbook, a book specially designed to eat right by using wonderful, fresh recipes that will help you make things like spaghetti squash pasta and mushroom sauce, or sweet potato soup, or salmon curry chowder soup, or southwestern tacos, or tuna with avocado sauce, or veggie burgers, or pomegranate walnut salad, or veggie wraps, or turkey chili. All kinds of things will be able to be brought to the table with this book and also keep you and your family healthy and fit, as well.

Finally, Sally Fallon writes Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet Dictocrats. This book contradicts a lot of the others, as it insists that animal fats and cholesterol are really important and cannot be ignored if you mean to reproduce and grow properly and have a well functioning brain and nervous system. In order to stay healthy and fit, the author provides a diet that moderately balances the foods to eat without totally banning anything so that you get in the proper amount without overdoing it to the point where it does really become unhealthy and detrimental. This way, you get a balanced diet.

Roberto Sedycias works as an IT consultant for PoloMercantil

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Book Review - Simply Quick and Easy Recipes Cookbook

Being a mother and grandmother and running a busy household, I don't always have hours to spend in my kitchen preparing meals for my family.

When it comes to purchasing cookbooks, I look for versatile books that have easy to understand recipes with common easy to find ingredients. A big plus for me is if they don't take a lot of time to make!

One of my favorite cookbooks is called Simply Quick and Easy Recipes published by Parragon Publishing, first published in 2001. This cookbook was published in the UK, but is easily available here in the United States, matter of fact, I purchased mine at a local bookstore back in 2002.

If you are trying to locate this item, here is the ISBN number to make it easier, which is 1-84273-218-8.

This hardbound book contains over 180 quick and easy recipes that even the beginner can master. All of the recipes are illustrated in easy to understand cooking terms.

The book is divided into 5 chapters plus the introduction and index sections. You will find recipes for: Soups and Appetizers, Light Meals and Salads, Meat and Poultry, Fish and Seafood and a beautiful Desserts chapter.

Each recipe in the book will tell you how many people it will serve, an ingredients list, directions on how to make the recipe along with a few serving suggestions. I really enjoy the "Cook's Tips" that are sprinkled through out the book.

If you appreciate great photography in your books, you will really enjoy this one. The photographs are enough to wet your appetite before you even look at the ingredients list.

This is a very comprehensive 384 page book with quick and easy to prepare recipes, that you can make for your family on any given day of the week. I recommend this book to both new and well-seasoned cooks.

Shelly Hill enjoys cooking and baking for her family and friends. Shelly has an extensive cookbook collection and enjoys both vintage and modern day cookbooks. You can visit Shelly online at or her recipe and cooking blog at

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Book Review - Dana Carpender "How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds"

After reading "Diabetes Solution" by Dr Bernstein we came across the name "Dana Carpender" and bought her 500 Low Carb recipes book. In a number of related books, we found that her book "How I gave up my low-fat diet and lost 40 pounds - and how you can too!" came highly recommended.

As a diabetic, I was sick of hypos and high sugar levels on a regular diet and ready to try Dr Bernstein's suggestion of cutting down on the carbs, but didn't even know where to start. I was also fed up with bland food, low fat meals and avoiding foods that I loved.

Dana's recipe book was a great place to start with a few new ideas, but this book was simply fascinating. I ended up reading it in shifts with my mum as we were eager to talk about the different chapters and what it could mean for my health and lifestyle.

What appeals is Dana's honesty - she isn't just proposing one diet, she explores the benefits of the Atkins diet (not suitable for diabetics) and the newcomer on the scene, the Primal diet. The book also gives information on how to work out your own carbohydrate and protein requirements - a few simple calculations that empower you to take control of your own diet. Another benefit of the book is that Dana bases her suggestions on medical research - it's comforting to know it's not just some idea that she's come up with, but that her diet suggestions are based on years of research.

Best of all, most of your friends won't even notice you're dieting. On a low carb diet you can still eat meats, most vegetables, butter and cream - this isn't a diet where you feel deprived or go hungry, you'll feel indulged and sated after every meal.

If you're considering changing over to a low carb diet, the book explains clearly why you should do so, an explanation which is a better deterrent from sugary snacks than your wavering willpower. Somehow understanding the processes involved and what sugar is doing to your body can provide the motivation to improve your diet that you've been looking for. Dana also explains the interaction between insulin and food, explaining clearly for the first time why a low carb diet should and does work for many diabetics.

If you're fed up with not understanding your life threatening disease, but want to understand about food and your body - this is a book you really shouldn't be without.

This article was submitted by Alissa Carter. Alissa creates videos about low carb eating and living with diabetes on her YouTube channel, Not Just Apples (NJA).

Alissa also blogs and photographs every recipe and lots of tasty, delicious food on her NJA healthy eating blog.

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Cooking Made Easy With Appliance Focused Cookbooks

Cooking is an art and people who are well versed in this art enjoy it. But for some, it is really a tedious exercise which takes up too much time and energy. Cooking can become an enjoyable experience if one has the right equipments of the trade.

A kitchen looks good if it has all the required equipments and vessels in place. Kitchen appliances are most useful during the process of preparing a dish. A good kitchen appliance can be used in many different ways.

Culinary skills are not only limited to preparing the daily food. It also involves cooking for various occasions too. For each special occasion, there is a different set of cooking appliances and tools to be used. Things become much easier if there are appliances related cook books at hand. These books can help in exploring the versatility of the appliance and bring out new facets which are a bonus on your investment.

Bread machine related cook books are a source of culinary treasure for both the occasional and the regular bakers. These books are very helpful to the people who have a bread making machine and enjoy the pleasures of the freshly baked bread. With the advent of such kind of a machine, the whole process of making the bread was revolutionized. It proved to be a boon both for people who knew how to bake from scratch and for those who didn't have too much time to spare. Various writers have written books focusing on the recipes which are easily made with this machine. Some of the more prominent cookbooks for bread machine recipes are The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook by Beth Hensperger, Bread Machine Magic by Linda Rehberg & Tom Lacalamita and Rustic European Breads from Your Bread Machine by Linda W. Eckhardt and Diana C. Butts.

Slow Cooker or Crock Pot is a counter top electrical appliance which maintains a relatively low temperature for many hours. The design of the slow cooker is such that it is much safer than the regular pressure cooker and has a lesser chance of exploding. It consists of a lidded round or oval cooking pot which is made of glazed ceramic or porcelain. The lid of the slow cooker is made up of transparent glass which fits into the groove in the pot edge. There are many different books which feature recipes for the slow cooker specially. Some of the more prominent ones are Slow Cooker Cooking by Lora Brody, Crockery Cookery by Mabel Hoffman, A Potful of Recipes by Joanna Lund, and Betty Crocker's Slow Cooker Cookbook.

One of the more common forms of cooking is deep frying which gives the dishes a definite tangier taste. There are many recipes for deep fried cooking. Several authors have contributed to this field of culinary art and brought books which feature recipes dedicated to deep frying. One of the most prominent books is The Best Fryer Cookbook Ever by Phyllis Kohn which features various deep fry recipes.

For more information on Maryland Crab Cakes and Chalupas Recipes please visit our website.

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"On Food and Cooking" Cookbook Review - Harold McGee's "Science and Lore of the Kitchen"

If you've ever wondered what a scientist might say about food, here is your answer. Harold McGee's "On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen" is a 900-page behemoth filled to the brim with excellent information. Its charm is in its depth of knowledge but highly readable simplicity. This book has something for everyone, from the seasoned chef to the budding home cook.

The best place to start with this book is the final chapter, "The Four Basic Food Molecules" and the short appendix entitled, "A Chemistry Primer". For bakers especially, the information included here is essential. I know, I know, you're never supposed to jump to the end of a book before you finish it! But these two sections will help give you a solid foundation so that the rest of the book is a breeze (and a great joy) to read.

From there you'll find a world ready to open up to you, from how soy sauce is made to how egg whites turn stiff when beaten. This is not exactly a cookbook, but rather a reference for any cooking-related question you could ever dream up. Making your way through this book is like drawing back the veil on the wonders lurking behind the mundane in the foods we eat. If you are serious about cooking at all, or if you are just interested in learning more about your favorite foods, this book is a must-have. It is an essential reference, yes, but more than that, it is a fascinating and magical read.

To see the new Top 5 Essential Cookbooks Reviews list, follow me to Globetrotter Diaries.

Globetrotter Diaries is a cooking food blog that explores the culinary cultures around the world by cooking a local dish each week and providing tips and techniques to help you in the kitchen. We hope you'll join us on our adventures!

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Cooking Vegetables With Waterless Cookware - Part 1

Many of us like to follow a recipe when cooking. While there are thousands of cookbooks available with a myriad of recipes to follow, there are very few waterless cookbooks out there. Charles and David Knight have published "Healthy Meat and Potatoes," providing not only lots of good recipes but also helpful tips for waterless cookware owners. Following is a summary of some of the tips Charles Knight offers for cooking vegetables the waterless, greaseless way.

Scrub Root Vegetables

Clean your root vegetables with a vegetable brush under cold running water. Remove any surface blemishes you see. Peeling is not necessary.

Refresh Vegetables

Vegetables, especially root vegetables, tend to lose some of their natural moisture after they are harvested. To replenish some of this lost moisture, place the vegetables in the pan, fill the pan with water, add 1 Tbsp. white distilled vinegar and soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Soaking will also remove chemical sprays, preservatives and any other substances the vegetable may have come in contact with as a result of transit and storage. Pour the water off, rinse, and then cook according to the recipe.

Use the Right-Sized Pan

When cooking vegetables the waterless way, it is important to use a size pan that the vegetables almost completely fill. This is critical in forming the vapor seal. The fewer vegetables in the pan, the more air, which can possibly result in oxidation. When pans are not full enough, a high temperature is required to create a vapor seal. This can cause scorching or burning.

Form the Vapor Seal

In heating, the moist air expands and is forced out between the rim and the cover of the pan. Around the rim there is a well, or reservoir, that collect the moisture. The covers are angled down to fit in line with well. As the heated air continues to escape, the well fills with moisture, forming the vapor seal. This process usually takes 3 to 5 minutes.

Find the Right Temperature Setting

Despite the wide variety of gas and electric ranges available, waterless cooking takes the guesswork out of the cooking process. Here are two tips:

If the rim or well spits moisture, the temperature is too high.If the lid does not spin freely on a cushion of water after forming the seal, the temperature is too low.

You may need to experiment with finding the right temperature for a time or two, but once you find that perfect temperature, cooking with waterless cookware will be simple and easy.

Reestablish the Vapor Seal

Do not peek during the waterless cooking process. Removing the cover destroys the vapor seal, lengthens the cooking time and can possibly cause the vegetables to burn. If, for any reason, the cover is taken off, cover the pan again, close the vent and add 2 Tbsp. to the rim to reestablish the vapor seal. Add 3 to 5 minutes to the designated cooking time.

Don't let the concept of cooking waterless scare you. When you try it, you will soon discover how easy it is to actually use waterless cookware if you follow the above principles. Yes, cooking with waterless cookware is healthy because vegetables cook in their own natural juices, but you will soon discover how tasty and uniquely flavorful your prepared meals are. The Gourmet's Cookware offers a wide variety of quality waterless stainless steel products along with tips and healthy recipes that can be adapted to your waterless cookware.

Marcia Klun is the owner and webmaster of [], a site that offers quality stainless steel products, such as waterless cookware sets, stockpots, cutlery, skillets, flatware, and other gourmet cooking essentials. In addition, the site offers relevant information about waterless cooking and provides a variety of healthy recipes that can be adapted to waterless cookware.

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"The Conscious Cook" - First Vegan Cookbook With Mainstream Appeal

Being vegan in Tokyo can often make one feel isolated in the world's most populous city, but last weekend my partner and I counted ourselves a very lucky minority to meet acclaimed vegan chef and author of the "The Conscious Cook" cookbook, Tal Ronnen.

While Japan is known for originating the predominantly vegetarian macrobiotic diet, and "macrobi" restaurants are ubiquitous here, veganism is extremely rare in Japan. As a result, our vegan cooking school and vegan recipe website came up near the top of the web search Chef Tal did before his recent visit to Tokyo.

We were aware Tal had cooked for Oprah Winfrey's 21-day vegan cleanse and catered Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi's wedding, but not of his fondness for Japan, inherited from his Australian father who had lived in Japan 3 years. Tal said Japanese food was his favorite, and asked our recommendation for Shojin Ryoori (traditional Buddhist temple food).

Not wanting to disappoint Tal, we consulted the Michelin Guide which led us to Atago-Daigo, a 2-Star restaurant where we enjoyed a most elegant and delicately prepared bento. Highlights included sashimi made from hearts of palm (a shoe-in for Awabi-giant clam), tempura using puffed rice seedlings, sweet potato necks simmered in white soy sauce, and matsutake mushrooms in a clear broth.

I observed that while Tal did not finish everything, he appeared to savor the items he ate with every cell in his being, fitting perfectly the "Conscious Cook" moniker. Tal said he doesn't eat much while he's working, either, because he's so focused on the act of creating.

While we would have been delighted to taste Tal's cooking firsthand, he did present my partner a copy of his attractive cookbook (#3 New York Times bestseller, highest ranking ever for any cookbook), inscribed "Keep spreading the vegan lifestyle in Japan".

In the private tatami-room overlooking a serene Zen garden, Tal guided us through his book, which contains not only dozens of mouth-watering plant-based recipes (accompanied by beautiful photos Tal styled himself) and techniques, but serves as a tribute to other chefs and partners he has worked with during his cooking career. 

Chef Tal, who graduated from a traditional culinary academy and conducts vegetarian workshops at Le Cordon Bleu, also shared his view on the importance--even for vegan chefs--to have strong grounding in French cooking techniques.  

Among Tal's other valuable advice:

Using cashew nuts to make cremes for use sauces, deserts, and raw cheeses (tellingly, cashew creme sauce is the first very first recipe in the book). I've already made a log of Chad Sarno's cashew cheese recipe from the book.  VitaMix blender--"most critical tool after a good knife" (he advised which type of VitaMix to purchase, too!). Secret of cooking meat analog tempeh (braising it a looong time).

Tal was excited there seemed to be more vegan eating options in Japan compared with his first visit 15 years ago. Although my partner and I wish for many more choices, Chef Tal's energy, creativity and passion inspire our own efforts to make vegan food as commonplace in Japan as it is has become in North America.

Note to vegans interested in visiting Atago-Daigo (Tokyo): the restaurant requires 2 days notice if you would like food prepared without using any katsuo (bonito) dashi or chicken eggs, or if you would prefer to substitute white rice with genmai.

If you're considering eliminating meat and other animal products from your diet, I'm just the guy to provide you heaps of advice and encouragement. Until age 44, I'm certain my diet consisted of more eggs, milk, and red meat than the average American's. I ate lots of chicken, too (especially liked parts with skin), low-fat yogurt every morning, and loads of cheese. While a plant-based diet may at first seem a sacrifice, I assure you it is not. Therefore, if you are contemplating it yourself, don't let anyone discourage you. Give it a try and I assure you, you will begin to feel healthy and youthful. Take it from me - paying attention to the foods you eat (and don't eat) is the best way to maintain good health, and a plant-based diet is a great way to begin. If you are interested in learning about benefits of adopting a plant-based diet, or seek coaching on healthier diet and exercise habits, please check out my blog at

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Cookbooks - Finding the Best Cookbooks

When going to a bookstore, you always see a line of cookbooks, each different from one another. You always have a hard time choosing one, since they all look appetizing and written by experts. You choose one, go home, and learn that the cookbook isn't suited to your lifestyle and experience.

This is the problem with many people, particularly moms. They don't know the tips for finding the best cookbooks. Before you buy, there are some questions you have to think about. This could save you a lot of time and effort in cooking a dish not really meant for you. It will also save you money better spent on buying a better-suited cookbook.

First of all, how much cooking experience do you have? If you have absolutely no previous experience with cooking, start with the basic type of cook books. That way, you start with the basics, like cooking scrambled eggs, rice, or even boiling water. On the other hand, if you have a long history of cooking, something more complicated would be better. It will challenge you and at the same time let you cook a great dish.

Next thing to think about is the food preference of the people you're cooking for, including yourself. This is very important, because some people are vegetarians and wouldn't eat food made with any meat. If that's the case, then a cookbook especially written for vegetarians would be the best choice. For the people who prefer chicken or any other type of meat, there are cookbooks which are more concentrated on one type of ingredient. Of course, for people who'll eat anything, this is no problem.

What you should look at then, is the inside of the cookbook. Are the recipes easy enough to follow? Are the ingredients within your budget? Do the pictures of the finished food look appetizing and are they something you will like doing? These are questions you need answered beforehand, because some people regret having bought a cookbook after realizing the foods aren't really meant to be cooked by them. You might also prefer buying a spring bound book, since you have to read while cooking. Hardbound books, as you might know, easily closes. It would be hard to hold the book and exerting effort when unnecessary.

After finally thinking these through, you might see that several cookbooks are within those categories. Since you can only buy one, it's time to compare prices. Which one is worth the money you'll spend? You might like to try counting the number of recipes in the book before comparing.

Choosing a cookbook isn't really hard; you just have to know a few tips here and now. If you have no time for any of these, just ask your friends which they would recommend. Of course, your friend must have the same level of skill as you have, so it wouldn't be too easy or too hard on your part. So what are waiting for, buy the most suitable cookbook for you now.

JR Gautreaux |

1# Source For The Best Cook Books |


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A Unique Cookbook - Inspired By a Rabbit

Ever since Bugs Bunny appeared, munching on a crisp, delectable carrot, we've known that bunnies know how to eat healthy. Camelot's Kitchen, a new cookbook filled with innovative and delicious salad recipes inspired by - a rabbit named Camelot. Shoreh Pirnia is the founder and creator of Camelot's Kitchen and Rane Sevin is a gifted artist who created the illustrations and has worked in screenwriting, music and films.

Meeting Camelot preceded Pirnia's venture into the world of creative salads and later, writing a cookbook about them. Camelot's life story began pretty dismal. He was sold to a little horror of a child at Easter and promptly locked up in a rabbit hutch and left outside in the backyard. For his meals, he was only given "Rabbit Chow," little bullet-shaped pellets that had no taste or texture.

But, as we know from our hero, Bugs, rabbits are cunning -- and after a few weeks of miserable existence in the backyard hutch, Camelot escaped. He barely made it across busy streets, but he eventually arrived in a lovely garden where he met the woman who was to change his life and write a cookbook called Camelot's Kitchen based on his favorite things to eat.

Camelot taught Shoreh how to make innovative salads with the most unusual combination of spices, fruits, nuts and veggies that turned plain, tasteless salads into culinary delights. As Camelot dictated his preferences, Shoreh wrote Camelot's Kitchen, one recipe at a time, transforming "rabbit food" into creations that would win a Top Chef contest.

Camelot's Kitchen is chock full of beautiful and incredibly artistic backgrounds and images that make the book a visual sensation as well as a taste sensation. Rane Sevin played a crucial role in bringing Camelot's Kitchen to life with her artistic creations. Sevin's and Pirnia's joint venture to write a cookbook from a rabbit's point of view can teach us all how to enjoy a healthier diet that doesn't have to be boring.

Anyone reading Camelot's Kitchen can feel the love Shoreh Pirnia has for her furry little rabbit friends and see by the recipes contained in the book that she also has a passion for salads - and a passion for helping others to develop healthy eating habits. Shoreh believes the time has come for individuals and families to shun fast foods and other foods that pollute our systems and evolve into a state of mind that embraces healthy foods.

Camelot's Kitchen is a wonderful vehicle that can be used to inspire children and show them how to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle. When the children get excited about eating healthy, parents and other adults will jump on the bandwagon - and who better to lead the revolution than a bunny named Camelot.

Lauren Smith is editor for the Virtual Book Review Network - reviews books by well known bestselling authors and books by soon to be recognized names. For more information, visit: This review covers Camelot's Kitchen by Shoreh Pirnia.

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Fresh and Healthy Cooking!

The Harvest Eating Cookbook
RUNNING PRESS. 296P $29.95

Towns and garden centers everywhere are hosting farmer's markets for local growers to showcase and sell their produce directly to neighborhood families. This is the perfect time for cookbooks to offer new recipes and ways of preparing the food that can be found at these venues. Not only is The Harvest Eating Cookbook full of delectable photos but the recipes are reasonable in length, simple to prepare, tasty and nutritious. The author, Kevin Snow, also includes recipes for making your own healthy pancake mix and homemade yogurt, and salad dressings as well as canning tips and other ways to avoid store bought products. Snow shares his own family's efforts to make the majority of the food they eat. Depending on how dedicated one is to cooking their own food, this cookbook will appeal to many types of cooks. A simple key is provided to indicate what seasons might be best to find the fresh ingredients for the dish. Luckily, many of the recipes can be easily made all four seasons.

The recipes for flour less chocolate cake and Parmesan crisps do require a knowledge of technique, but this is not true for the majority of the recipes. The tomato pie recipe, for instance, is a delightful new way to use up the abundance of summer tomatoes using a sweet pie crust, or pate brise, that is the same as the crust used for many tarts. Some of the recipes may be familiar but with Snow's help they are transformed into healthier versions. His homemade pancake mix, for example, ups its fiber content by substituting all white flour for a mixture of white, wheat, and rye flour. The result are pancakes that have the expected taste but added nutritional value. This is a cookbook that should be kept on hand in the kitchen.

Karen M. Mallozzi - May 6, 2010

Karen M. Mallozzi lives in New England and is a member of her local garden club. She grows her own vegetables every year and tries new recipes and techniques whenever she gets a chance.

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First Class Recipes

I tried this it's pretty amazing, I wasn't sure what kind of product I was getting for my money, but I was pretty impressed initially by the price of the all the cook books, it was a great deal.

Once I got the cook books and I saw the multitude of recipes within each book, there are bbq recipes, bread recipes, appetizers, awesome breakfast recipes, even the many options of wines and other alcoholic beverages suggested for specific meals and how to make them.

I love First Class Recipes! It's no more eating out for me, the restaurant is right in my home lol. I would spend a lot of money out at the restaurants as well because to me there was nothing like that restaurant taste. I brought that taste home!

I used to struggle sometimes too with which restaurant to go to, certain restaurants have specific food or appetizer choices that they only can specialize in, well now with these cook books I am able to combine a variety of choice all at once of food and/or appetizers that I would normally choose from at certain restaurants.

Not only that, the bbq recipes are so amazing. Trust me, I was no bbq wizard, but bbq parties are always at my house now!

How can we forget about the wines and spirits, only restaurants can made them just perfectly, but the secrets to how they are made, mixed and meshed are revealed. I am my own personal bartender! Unfortunately the books don't tell you how to juggle the bottles, lol, but it's ok, I am definitely satisfied.

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